How to write a speech: 20 good and effective tips

How to write a speech: 20 good and effective tips

Just about a moment ago, you found out that you need to make a speech at an important event in a few weeks, but you don’t have a clue what to do. The only clear question in your head is, „How to write a speech that the listeners will be interested in? What should I do?” So, how to wrtite

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How to make a presentation? 10 short (but thorough) steps

How to make a presentation? 10 short (but thorough) steps

How to make a presentation is the one question every good speaker should ask themselves. Situations and listeners vary greatly, which means that even professional speakers shouldn’t ignore it. So, how to make a presentation? It’s always up to the speaker to decide how to make a presentation and find out what listeners like. At first, it may seem like

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Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) and the fear of public speaking

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) and the stage fear

I’m sometimes asked about what social anxiety disorder (SAD) is and whether it’s the same as social phobia. Since SAD is one of the subtypes of the stage fear, let’s have a closer look at them in today’s post! So, what is social anxiety disorder? Social anxiety disorder is a condition in which the fear of a situation where one

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Is public speaking really more feared than death?

Is public speaking really more feared than death?

Public speaking is like any other area of our lives that comes with the word-of-mouth “wisdom” and ever-changing myths. Myths that are served to us as absolute truths. Those spreading them also believe that they are true. But is public speaking really more feared than death? It depends. On the one hand, the results of the studies seem to suggest

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11 tips how to write a great persuasive speech

11 tips on how to write a great persuasive speech

In the case of a good persuasive speech, the speaker’s argumentative skills matter. You may well have the best arguments in the world, but if you don’t know how to present them, they may not be particularly useful. To persuade the audience, you need thought-through and well-prepared arguments. So, what is a persuasive speech? The main objective of a persuasive

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How to make a speech? Frequently asked questions

How to make a speech? Frequently asked questions

There’s an FAQ section in every area, and public speaking is no exception. I’m often asked how to make a speech or what making a speech is like. Obviously, making a good speech depends on the general background (audience, attitude, room, etc.). So, how to make a speech? Making a good speech depends on the general background of the situation

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33 tips to improve your presentation skills

33 tips to improve your presentation skills: A Helpful Guide

Public speaking is an activity that may see things wrong. Let’s recall Murphy’s Law: „Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.“ Some time ago, I made a related poll on my website, the results of which I’ll present both in the present and the following post. This post will highlight 33 main presentation skills you should know and use in

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Janek Tuttar

Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of

I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.

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