Tag: Illustrating your speech
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How to Give a Eulogy and Deliver It Like A Pro? 8 Great Tips
Someone significant in your life has passed and it is now time to deliver a eulogy. The responsibility is on your shoulders. Of course, it’s a sad time but it doesn’t mean there can’t be some lightness brought into it – even humor when done in an appropriate way. So, how do you deliver an effective eulogy? It’s an opportunity
The top 27 Gadgets for Presentation / Best public speaking accessories
What do you think of when you picture yourself up on stage giving a speech? You may mentally plan out your movements, your mannerisms, and your speaking points, but how much thought have you given to your tech? The gadgets for the presentation you plan to use on stage can make all the difference when it comes to delivering a
7+ Professional Public Speaking Tips for Women
This post is going to give a bunch of great public speaking tips for women, but I am sure that there are a lot of men who can also benefit from these tips. If you are a woman trying to improve your public speaking skills, I do have good news for you: most men who give speeches and presentations are
How to Speak to a Large Audience?
When it comes to speaking in front of a large audience, there are all sorts of chicken and egg issues. If you just tell yourself it’s not a problem, then you can be conversational and very relaxed. So, how do you speak to a large audience? You’ve got to have a specific goal for your speech and you should think
How to Introduce Yourself in a Presentation Without it Being Awkward?
We’ve all been there. That conference or that Chamber of Commerce meeting where the host is, “OK, before we start, let’s all stand up and introduce ourselves for 30 seconds.” It seems simple, it seems casual and no one is asking you to give a big keynote speech. And still our heart is racing like a Maserati. We’re not even
Public speaking FAQs: Answers To the Top 22 Most Common Questions
There are a bunch of public speaking related questions that I keep hearing (and probably will keep hearing) during my training sessions or business consulting sessions. Usually, these are the same types of questions and therefore I call them “Frequently Asked Questions about Public Speaking” Here are my top 22 most common questions about this topic. 1. Why is public
How to Use Notes in a Speech: 14 valuable tips for a speaker
While we’ve already explored the topic of speaking without notes here on my site, I’ve figured I should add a piece about speaking with notes. After all, there is nothing wrong with using notes in a speech, and it is the preferred method of many speakers. I know that there are a lot of times when I choose to use
How to Use Your Voice Effectively in a Presentation?
The way you use your voice is one of the absolute most important aspects of speaking in public. This can easily change the way your audience sees you, whether for the better or for the worse. Today, I’m going to talk about how to use your voice well so that you can improve your speech-giving skills. So, how do you
10 Great Tips How to Dress for Public Speaking?
You don’t have to be a fashionista to wonder how to dress for public speaking. This is actually a common concern, and sometimes can cause downright anxiety for some people. It’s a big enough issue that people search for advice all the time. That’s what I’m here to help with. Wondering how to dress for public speaking? Research your audience,
13 Powerful Ways How to End a Presentation
In my experience, a lot of my public speaking students give much more attention to how they start their speech rather than how to end it. Many of them don’t realize that how you end a speech is of paramount importance, too. After all, the last things your audience hears from you may make the biggest lasting impression. What are
13 Effective Ways How to Make Speech Pauses
There is a natural flow to giving a speech in public. And taking appropriate pauses is incredibly important to that flow, whether you believe it or not. But many of my students tell me they’re not sure how to pause at the right time, or for what reasons. If you may be lost on how to do this, you’re certainly
What To Do With Your Hands During a Speech?
Your speech is all written out, you’ve picked out the perfect outfit to wear, and you feel confident in what you’re about to say. But then you start to worry because you realize you’re not sure what to do with your hands. Don’t let that worry keep you from doing your best on stage, because I’m going to show you
How to Speak Well Without Notes? 5 Valuable Pro Tips
When you think about speaking in public, you may have visions of standing in front of a crowd with your notes scattered on the podium in front of you. But how do you nail a speech in a situation where you do not or can not have notes? Believe it or not, but this is a question I get all
How to make a speech introduction that grabs the attention?
A speech introduction plays a big role in how well you manage to grab attention. The problem is that the majority of introductions lead the listeners to believe that the presentation is utter crap. If the beginning of your speech is dubious, your listeners will be frustrated. So, what is a good speech introduction? A good speech introduction draws the
Hi! My name is Janek Tuttar, and I am the founder and author of SpeakAndConquer.com.
I have been teaching and blogging about public speaking since spring 2007. Here, I am sharing the wisdom of how to cope in different public speaking situations.
Send me an e-mail: info@speakandconquer.com
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