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Public speaking tips and tricks from the practitioner
Latest posts about public speaking

What To Do With Your Hands During a Speech?
Your speech is all written out, you’ve picked out the perfect outfit to wear, and you feel confident in what you’re about to say. But then you start to worry because you realize you’re not sure what to do with your hands. Don’t let that worry keep you from doing your best on stage, because I’m going to show you

How to Speak Well Without Notes? 5 Valuable Pro Tips
When you think about speaking in public, you may have visions of standing in front of a crowd with your notes scattered on the podium in front of you. But how do you nail a speech in a situation where you do not or can not have notes? Believe it or not, but this is a question I get all

How to Give a Speech Without Crying? 10 great tips
I am often asked for tips on how to give a speech without crying. At first, I assumed these people were just nervous or perhaps suffering from stage fright. However, I soon learned that it’s sometimes simply an overwhelming emotional experience to give a speech. This may be at a wedding, a funeral, or during a graduation party for example.

6 great methods to improve public speaking skills
You may be the only man in the world who knows the subject of your speech, but there’s a question you’ve been asking yourself… „What if something goes wrong?“ The less public speaking experience you have, the more you think about failing. How to improve your public speaking skills? The best method to improve your public speaking skills is to

How to speak with confidence in public?
No matter what your field of expertise is, public speaking can make or break your career. If that sentence fills you with self-doubt, you’re not alone. With an estimated 75% of people suffering glossophobia (the fear of public speaking), you have plenty of company. But it’s not hopeless for you. I can help you shed that self-doubt with this quick

How to make a speech introduction that grabs the attention?
A speech introduction plays a big role in how well you manage to grab attention. The problem is that the majority of introductions lead the listeners to believe that the presentation is utter crap. If the beginning of your speech is dubious, your listeners will be frustrated. So, what is a good speech introduction? A good speech introduction draws the

How to deliver a perfect elevator pitch?
First of all, what the heck is elevator pitch and why do we need to do it? So, what is an elevator pitch? An elevator pitch is a well-thought, meaningful, and repeatedly practiced brief (about 30-60 seconds long) overview of who you are, what you offer, and how your partner can benefit from it. An elevator speech is generally a

How to write a speech: 20 good and effective tips
Just about a moment ago, you found out that you need to make a speech at an important event in a few weeks, but you don’t have a clue what to do. The only clear question in your head is, „How to write a speech that the listeners will be interested in? What should I do?” So, how to wrtite

How to make a presentation? 10 short (but thorough) steps
How to make a presentation is the one question every good speaker should ask themselves. Situations and listeners vary greatly, which means that even professional speakers shouldn’t ignore it. So, how to make a presentation? It’s always up to the speaker to decide how to make a presentation and find out what listeners like. At first, it may seem like

Social anxiety disorder (social phobia) and the stage fear
I’m sometimes asked about what social anxiety disorder (SAD) is and whether it’s the same as social phobia. Since SAD is one of the subtypes of the stage fear, let’s have a closer look at them in today’s post! So, what is social anxiety disorder? Social anxiety disorder is a condition in which the fear of a situation where one

Audience analysis for public speaking: A comprehensive guide for the public speaker
The issue with so many public speakers is that they don’t prepare their speech in a listener-focussed manner, so they’re not aware of the needs, expectations, prior knowledge of the listeners, etc. This, in turn, results in the speaker communicating with the audience either at a very basic level or, vice versa, at a very complex and incomprehensible level. Even

Is public speaking really more feared than death?
Public speaking is like any other area of our lives that comes with the word-of-mouth “wisdom” and ever-changing myths. Myths that are served to us as absolute truths. Those spreading them also believe that they are true. But is public speaking really more feared than death? It depends. On the one hand, the results of the studies seem to suggest